Seren is the first ever GSDL - BRG Regional Shows CHAMPION!
We wish all at Shellmead continued success with this beautiful girl!

British Regional Champion, V1, Breed Surveyed Class 1,
British Sieger Adult Longcoat Female Siegerin 2012 & 2011
SIRE: VA3 BSZS 2009 Yukon von der Bastillie DAM: Zawntje Von Der Bastillie

17th September 2011
The British Seiger 2011 Draycore Seren At Shellmead 1st Adult female Long Coat and Long Coat Seigerin SV Judge Dirk Gabriel
Critique for Seren:
DRAYCORE SEREN AT SHELLMEAD Medium size, strong female with good head, dark eyes, normal withers, good croup, good front and very good rear angulation, stands straight in front, straight going and coming, good movement.
1st Long Coat Progeny, Draycore Seren At Shelmead, History was made , it was an honour to be part of the first ever Long Coat Progeny ever to be At The British Seiger and also in Europe if not the World, it was a very proud day for us and Draycore not forgetting Heidi's mum Zwanje Von Bastille and Heidi's sibling without them it couldn't have been possible.
24th September 2011
Bagsd Championship Show Draycore Seren At Shellmead 1st Adult Female Long Coat Judge Stephen Cox ( Shotaan GSD )
3rd July
Midlands Gsd Group, Regional Event SV judge Herr Norbert Wettlaufer Draycore Seren At Shellmead graded excellent V1 Long Coat Adult female Class
12th June 2011
UK GSR Rally 2011 Draycore Seren At Shellmead won Best Long Coat Female, Best in Show and Rally Champion.
UK GSR Rally 2011 Shellmead Halina won Best Puppy at just 5 months old, going onto win Best puppy in show.
4th June 2011
1st Adult Female graded V1 Excellent At The GSD Regional Event Judge Herr Henning Setzer SV Judge Germany
12th June 2011
GSR Rally 2011 Best Long Coat female, going onto win Best Female in Show & Rally Champion, Judge Phillippa Tuck
3rd July 2011 Midlands Gsd Group 1st Long Coat Adult Female graded V1 Excellent Judge Norbert Wettlaufer SV Judge Germany
30th May 2010 2nd Junior Long Coat, The Southern WUSV Puppy Junior Show Judge Joyce Stephenson
12th June, 2010,1st Intermediate Long Coat Female, then going onto win Best Female Long Coat In Show,
2 Day National 2010 Judge Sue Worley Samstag Gsd's
Show Results 2013
5th May 2013
West Yorks regional Show SV JUDGE Sudge Marco OssmannPlaced V1
December 2012
Awarded V2 at the Christmas Cracker Regional Event
October 2012
Draycore Seren@ Shellmead V2 Midlands Gsd Regional Judge SV Freddie Christensen
16th September 2012, SV Judge NORBERT WETTLAUFER
Draycore Seren @ Shellmead Returning British Seigerin 2012 graded Excellent, V1 graded, see her Sieger Show critique below.