Our Affix "DRAYCORE" was chosen by our two daughters and originates from the film "Dragon Heart".
Gemma and Jodie wanted the name as when dragons die this is the name given to them as they go to the stars. Myself (Jeanette) and Jodie enjoy the more physical (showing) side of the German Shepherd, where as Roger, Gemma and "H" enjoy the atmosphere and pleasure that a German Shepherd brings to the family.
From a very early age I was always raised with GSDs and carried the love for this superb breed. Anyone who had a German Shepherd, I was their "Dog Walker" In between my love for German Shepherds and school - well sometimes! I used to ride and show horses.
At the age of sixteen I became Manager of Warten Orton Stables. I had my own horses and used to show them at "The Royal", anyone who knows about "The Royal" will know that this is one of the biggest events in the equestrian world.
At the age of eighteen, I married Roger. Our first GSD was a dog called "Sullivan". He was what you would call "Top Size" but we didn't have the greater knowledge of German Shepherds as we do today. Our second GSD was a female named "Blaze", we aquired her in payment for work that Roger had done on someone's car - she was my "Valentines" day present and what a present she was! Previous to that we had "bred" two children - Gemma and Jodie.
'Draycore House'
'The Kennels'
'The Draycore Family'
I then decided to try my hand at showing Blaze, inbetween my horse shows. Blaze won a few prizes at exemption and K9 shows but she didn't really enjoy it so I introduced her to obedience which she thoroughly enjoyed and worked very well.
At the age of thirty two I took a long break from showing and obedience due to illness. Unfortunately after my recovery I never persued by interest in horses but my love for German Shepherds could not be ignored. At the age of thirty six we bought our first proper show dog - "Kirby's Bravesoul" (Monty) and carried on with GSDs from there. We then decided to apply for an affix (Our kennel name) so that we could breed on and continue with our beloved breed.
Over the past 14 years we have shown and won at Open and Championship show level and we have we bred, trained showed and own our own champion all which are great achievements. Liike everyone else have started at the bottom and worked our way up the ladder to success, yes, we have made mistakes but we have moved on and hopefully corrected and learned from them, therefore moving on and continuing with the GSD breed, hopefully in the right direction.
We Hope You Enjoy Visiting Our Website
'"Jeanette and Jodie"
(See photos from our
daughters wedding HERE)
'CH Draycore Chilli'

Welcome to Draycore